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Monday, October 26, 2015

Move Your Bus Book Study

I am linking up with Second Grade Sizzle for her Ron Clark Book Study. 

Our school is participating in a Move Your Bus book study. Each week we look at certain chapters and collaborate ways to make our school and ourselves better.  This book has been an eye opener. I was excited when I read that Second Grad Sizzle was having a weekly book study. It's been fun reading bloggers posts and recognizing that my coworkers have had some of the same dificulties. I've learned a lot.
Chapter 17

Allow the Runners to reap the rewards

Let me begin with this...I think I am a fast jogger who gets caught up running occasionally. Here's Ron's definition of each. 
Runner-consistently go above and beyond what is required.
Jogger-Do their jobs well without pushing themselves.

I work in an inclusion classroom with 19 students. I feel that I do my job well. At work, I am 100% in! 
At home, I am a wife with 3 little boys. I feel that I do that job well too. At home, I am 100% in! ...until they go to bed then it's TPT, Periscope, Blab, Twitter Chat, IG, and Blogging time! 
I am not a consistent runner at school. I am OK with that! I go above and beyond in my classroom, just not with extra curricular things.

"Please try to be happy and supportive of the runners who carry the lion's share of the work. Understand that they deserve the perk!"p. 93...I agree with that! 

Chapter 18

Exude a sense of urgency

Ron quoted a quote from his grandmother, "People who walk slow ain't got nowhere to go."p. 95 That lady is soooo right!! It bothers me when teachers walk around slowly. I want to scream, "Put some pep in your step people!"

He also talked about an employee at RCA, Kennedy Reddick. He is a "beast". "This man knocks things out, but the best part about it is that when he's given a task, nothing stands in his way." p. 97 This man reminds me of our school counselor. She is a "beast"! She has a heart of gold and is a workaholic!!

Chapter 19

Find Solutions

Ron told his staff he wanted to "find some dragon DNA, grow an adult dragon, have her lay eggs, and then crack the eggs open and fill them with candy and t-shirts."  He wanted this "dream" to come true but had no idea about how to make it happen. Dear sweet Hope King stepped up and said, "I will do it!" She made it happen! At the end of her project, it was going to coast $20 to mail each package. Hope decided she would hand deliver each package to each child. It was cheap AND made each child feel special!...Meeting Hope King is on my bucket list...

At the end of this chapter, Ron says, "trust me, your initiative will always be recognized and rewarded". 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Periscope in the classroom

I love periscope! I love watching teachers talk about their classrooms, their families, their lives..I love it! However, I don't love turning the camera and talking. I've only recorded one personal scope! It wasn't that great! :/
 BUT Periscope in my classroom is great!  My students love it!
Parents are forced asked to read books on periscope. The kiddos LOVE when his/her parent is reading! It makes me smile!

I also record periscopes during Gonoodle brain breaks, Terrific Kid Awards, special speakers, work stations, and student reading. It's nice to be able to allow parents and grandparents to have "a look" into the classroom...Maybe I will get the courage to periscope on my personal account someday. :)

If you want to periscope in your class, you can pick up Just A Primary Girl free parent release form here. The form is in the packet's preview. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

October Currently

It's time for October Currently! It's hard to believe October is already here!! I've had my school kiddos 42 days! I love those babies so much! They make me smile!!

Listening- to my favorite show Nashville. I love Deacan! I'm so glad he didn't die on the show!..Hope I didn't spoil that for anyone!
Loving- Move Your Bus. I'm doing a book study at school with the new Ron Clark book. It's great! The book has challenged me to be a better person and teacher! I've only got 2 chapters left to read!
Thinking- I finally joined Shelia Jane! A co-worker joined and loves it! So I decided to give it a try! Shelia is so much fun! I can't wait to see what her website is all about!
Needing-to do laundry. I have a confession. Its hard to go to sleep when I have a load of clothes that need to go in the wash. I just can't handle having dirty clothes in my house! B.U.T. tonight I don't care! This girl right here is tired! 
Bootiful-My sleeping family. I've tucked my 3 little boys in their beds and looked at their sweet little faces. (Hubby's asleep too) It's nice to have a few minutes alone!

If you haven't joined in the fun, link up here to share your currently!